I’ve been chronicling my battle with the Philadelphia School District, fighting for safer, healthier, cleaner schools. Though I shouldn’t say “my battle,” as I share this battle with…
I’ve been chronicling my battle with the Philadelphia School District, fighting for safer, healthier, cleaner schools. Though I shouldn’t say “my battle,” as I share this battle with…
So how did I get two brand new state-of-the-art water filtration systems installed at my underfunded Philadelphia public school? Well, the answer is much more…
Rather than explore new cities with appreciation, I have a tendency to be comparative and envious, always looking at a place’s perks through gritty, Philly-colored…
And when I spoke about The Broken Windows Theory, this was not what I had in mind… Landscape Designer Margie Ruddick Fined for Her Own…
Cool news that Philly is moving up the list of greener cities according to Grist.org’s latest Top 10 Report. Sure, we have a long way…
Did you know that by recycling in Philadelphia you can get rewarded for recycling and reducing trash? And not just in karma points! All you…
Sometimes I think I would make a good politician. But then I remember three things. 1) I lost my 6th grade class presidential election with…
We can eat organic grapes, buy wooden toys, and wash our hair with natural shampoo. But what can you possibly do when your home is named America’s Most…
If you know me, you know I am a huge fan of Philadelphia. I’ve seen great steps toward sustainability in the past couple of years,…