The Blog

Windmill Lies, Anti-Trans Airplanes, and Other Fake Issues Fueling the NJ Elections

What I have to say about the state of politics in New Jersey today is too much for a series of Facebook rants, and, frankly,…

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A Wake Up Call for Democrats in New Jersey

“PAIGE – YOU FAILED!” You know how the fundraising emails go. Apart from the ones I’ve written for candidates because I refuse. Because even when…

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My Liberal Bubble Has Definitely Burst

When I was living in Philadelphia, I knew I lived in a liberal bubble. And I was more than fine with it. Some people say…

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10 Ways the Roe Reversal Will Affect EVERYONE INCLUDING YOU – and What to Do About It

If you are reading this maybe you are afraid. Or maybe you aren’t as afraid as you should be. Maybe you don’t think that the…

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If You Read my Book, Take It With a Grain of Salt

“Normalize changing your opinion when presented with new information.” I’d like to find a way to make that my bio, replacing “communications expert dedicated to…

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Five Things Democrats Need to Do To Win Big Again

There is a lot to unpack about election night. The loss in Virginia is absolutely devastating. Pennsylvania judges worked their asses off across that massive…

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We Shouldn’t Be The Top News Story

Last weekend, as my family and I returned to dock after a brief kayak ride on a cloudy day at the Jersey Shore, we were…

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The Pandemic is Over, I’m Fine, and Other Lies from the Past Six Months

It’s been a long time since I updated this blog, and I want to make sure that my audience of no one is informed of…

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Five Thirty-Seven: An Imagined Alternate Reality

I’m not a fiction writer. But this is a story I always imagined – as a TV series, a book, a film. So, here is…

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Counting Backward: Navigating the New, Terrifying COVID-19 Reality

In March I was counting. We were all running up that hill, the curve, riding it to the tippy top and then back down again,…

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