Raising tweens and young teens in today’s world can be difficult. And there is no comprehensive resource for tween parenting advice – especially for the unique challenges of urban parents. Even Babycenter’s weekly emails – which start at gestation – abruptly end at age 9!
I have launched PhillyTweens.com as a resource for parents and kids trying to navigate the city and the world. The site offers resources for Philadelphia area parents of tweens and young teens including expert advice; first-hand stories from parents and kids; school, camp, and activity directories; and updates on events that interest kids in this tricky age group.
Articles tackle everything from universal issues like bullying and cliques, social media and tech, and gender and sexuality to city-specific issues like school selection and taking public transportation.
I came up with the idea for PhillyTweens.com as my friends and I experienced evolving challenges raising their own tweens.
As a writer and avid consumer of information, I’ve seen firsthand how sharing personal stories can touch people. We all need advice, resources, access, and, sometimes, just commiseration. That was the reason I started Spit That Out, and now that my children have reached new milestones, it’s the reason I’ve started PhillyTweens. I hope you will check it out and share!
The free events calendar along with editorial and advertising information can be found at www.phillytweens.com. Follow on social media at www.facebook.com/phillytween and www.twitter.com/phillytweens