Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite. For Real

Yes we’ve had lice. And mice. And ants. And waterbugs (cough roaches). We’ve even had a rat (in the backyard – not inside!)

But Bed Bugs? There but for the Grace of God go I.

In reality the odds are stacked against us: Philadelphia is ranked the #2 bed bug city!)

And recently researchers found that bedbugs are developing thicker skins to be more resistant to common pesticides. They’ve also evolved the ability to produce a variety of enzymes that can detoxify insecticides.

For these reasons – as well as health and environmental safety –  experts emphasize using non-chemical methods such as extreme heat, the specialty of local company Prodigy Pest Solutions.

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Prodigy Pest Solutions employs research-based methods to effectively and environmentally soundly eradicate bed bug infestations in just one day. Heat treatment for bed bugs is a safe, organic, and advantageous method with minimal preparation on the part of the resident. Using heat, they are able to provide customers with a discreet, one-day service, leaving them bed bug free in less than 12 hours.

Benefits of heat treatment include:

  • Killing all stages of the bed bug life cycle, increasing the likelihood of full eradication
  • One-day process using dry, hot air where the home or business can be returned back to normal use within 12 hours
  • Family friendly with no concerns for children or pets
  • Reduces waste by eliminating the need to throw away furniture or mattresses – that is a HUGE plus!
  • Highest rate of efficacy in the research literature in regard to treatment outcomes
  • Minimizes the amount of preparation required on the part of the homeowner/business owner
  • Can be completed in almost any space

bed bugs

Based in Delaware County, PA and serving the Greater Philadelphia and New Jersey areas, Prodigy Pest Solutions was born in 2012 out of a desire to do things differently and improve the quality and safety of pest control services. After working with a large pest control firm, Matt Kelley missed the opportunity to work directly with customers, seeing the job through to the end, and knowing that he’d be able to stand behind it. He and his wife, Sabrina, launched the company while expecting their son, wishing to offer heat treatment as a way to minimize the use of chemical treatments.

I truly hope you don’t have to deal with bed bugs. But if the critters do make their way into your life, at least Prodigy can make it much less of a nightmare!

Disclosure: This post was created in partnership with Prodigy Pest Solutions, with whom I have a business relationship. Regardless, my opinions are honest. See my full disclosure here. 

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