Philadelphia School District Rep says “Hard to Make Direct Connections to Exposed Asbestos and Health Risks”

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11:36 a.m.

Subject: Philadelphia School District’s Representation on Al Jazeera America

Dear Ms. Floyd,

I had the opportunity to watch your appearance on Al Jazzeera America last week in response to the reports of lead-based paint, exposed asbestos, mold, rodents, and myriad other hazardous conditions in our Philadelphia public schools.

You stated, “It’s hard to make direct connections between some of the things that are occurring in our buildings (lead/asbestos/mold) to whether or not there are immediate health risks to students, given that there are other environments they are exposed to outside of the school building”

Ms. Floyd, I realize that you are not a health professional or a scientist. But it is public knowledge that there is not a shred of scientific doubt these things are seriously harmful to all people, with children being the most vulnerable. In addition to the scientific evidence, you may wish to speak to a parent with lead poisoned children, or perhaps the parents of Laporshia Massey, whose fatal asthma attack was most assuredly aggravated by spending more than 30 hours each week in a classroom with “extensive, long-term damage and deterioration from persistent dampness and moisture,” damaged paint that is likely lead-based, and widespread dust and debris.”

While I am sympathetic to the school district’s financial dilemma from the continued underfunding and systematic neglect of our schools by the state, I find your comments to be unacceptable and bordering on unlawful. To refer to these building conditions as anything less than criminally hazardous is unacceptable, and, quite frankly, a horrific embarrassment. You even go one step further to imply that these children’s outside living conditions may be the same or even worse. This is offensive, insulting, and appalling.

I don’t believe there is a citizen in all of Philadelphia who would not like to abolish the School Reform Commission and bring the schools back under city control. But until that day comes, it is the responsibility of the School District to do everything in their albeit limited power to make sure our schools are, at the very least, safe places for our children.

You have publicly and nationally made light of an issue, which is not only immoral and unconscionable, it is illegal – breaking both building codes and the constitutional right for public education in a safe space.

Ms. Floyd, I certainly do not hold you solely responsible for the conditions of Philadelphia Public Schools nor the supposed lack of resources to repair them. You are simply a cog in a terribly antiquated and broken machine that you have no means to fix entirely on your own.

But what you do have, with years of tenure at the Philadelphia School District, is a position of power. And, more importantly, a voice that can speak loud and clear and publicly, demanding more resources and fiercely fighting for our children’s rights to schools that won’t make them sick.

But instead, on national public television, you made light of this. You dismissed clear scientific data. You dismissed the fact that almost every child I know carries an inhaler and an epipen. You dismissed my friends’ children who were lead poisoned. You dismissed thousands of people who have died from mesothelioma from asbestos poisoning.

You dismissed my children.

And for that reason I will be sharing this letter with other concerned parents, hoping that the next time a national broadcast comes around – or any opportunity for you to speak – you will use your voice of power to bring mandatory change.


Paige Wolf

11:43 a.m.

Thank you for your feedback.


Office of Capital Programs
School District of Philadelphia

NOTE: I just want to note that while my letter points out the severe problems in the district, our schools do still continue to thrive despite these setbacks. My son is doing amazing in kindergarten with wonderful teachers and parents. But, again, we are lucky to be in a school with so much parental involvement and wonderful teachers to make it amazing. We just have to fight a lot harder….and I have chosen to stay and fight.

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