BookMentors Connects Students and Teachers with Needed Books

With budget cuts to public and charter schools throughout the country, new and relevant books have become a valuable and scarce commodity in classrooms and libraries. Connecting teachers, librarians, and students in need of books with donors supporting literacy, reading, and education, BookMentors uses micropatronage to solve book access problems in high-poverty schools.

A space for anyone passionate about the power of books, the Web site enables readers, writers, publishers, and teachers to connect and share information about children’s and YA literature. BookMentors allows teachers to ask for the particular book or books they really need, not just any donated old books that won’t meet the needs and preferences of individual students or teaching curriculum.

Lack of access to books constrains the literacy development of students in lower income communities. While e-books may be trending across some schools, most can not afford to provide e-readers for each student. Additionally, there has been increasing research suggesting students have better comprehension, attention span, and even sleep patterns with print books.

And, of course, I’m always curious about the green factor. The jury is still out on the sustainability of print versus e-reading, and in most of these cases, e-books are simply not a reasonable or plausible replacement.

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Paige’s Books

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The Budget Activist book cover: border=

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