It’s Giving Tuesday: Donate to Crowdfunding Campaign for Philadelphia Solar Schools Initiative

The Philadelphia Solar Schools Initiative (PSSI) has launched a crowdfunding campaign for its innovative program that connects sustainable energy, education, and economic development in Philadelphia.

This joint program between Solar States and Clean Currents brings solar power and renewable energy education to Philadelphia schools at no upfront cost. Through PSSI, the two companies provide a package deal of solar panels, renewable energy courses for students, and wind power for their remaining electricity needs to twenty area schools.

PSSI has already begun a partnership with Youth Build Charter School to create an innovative yearlong course focusing on the vocation and business of solar energy. The students assist in the development, design, and installation of arrays at the twenty schools; learn about green energy addressing multiple state science, technology, engineering, and math standards (STEM); and get hands-on experience with solar technology.

By contributing to this project, donations will enable an innovative public/ private/ non-profit partnership, which will directly touch the lives of close to 1,000 students, install 1.5 megawatts of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on area school roofs, deploy $2.5 million towards solar infrastructure in the Philadelphia region, generate 1,708,200 kWh of electricity over the course of a year (equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 166 homes), and avoid adding 1,205 metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere per year.

Learn more, see the video, and support the campaign online:

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