Eco Mother’s Day Gift Guide for New Moms


With my second baby on the way and so many friends increasing their families, I’ve had plenty of time to think about what the eco-chic new mom would really like for Mother’s Day (or any day, for that matter). Here are a few of my favorite picks and things I have gifted at many baby showers.

If the new mom in your life has no intention of cloth diapering, the next best thing is a subscription or gift card to, which provides non-toxic, chlorine-free (and adorable) disposable diapers and eco-friendly baby and home products right to your door. The company was co-founded by Jessica Alba (so you know it’s chic) and former Healthy Child Healthy World CEO Christopher Gavigan (so you know it’s legit).

Earth Mama Angel Baby is a great company for super safe and pure products for mom and baby. Any new mom would love the Mama’s Postpartum RecoveryEssentials Bundle or the Baby Essentials Bundle.

For those rare opportunities when mama can catch some Z’s, she might need a little help. Since vodka and Xanax don’t mix well with breastfeeding (though I confess to using both), pamper mom with the Sweet Dreams Sleep Set from The Mother’s Day Gift Guide also includes plenty of options for greening the new mama’s personal care routine.

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I would hate for anyone to buy me cut flowers for Mother’s Day. It’s sad to watch them just die on my dining room table and I’d much rather be gifted with something I can plant in the ground, even if it isn’t alive like these cool upcycled glass bottle blooms. also has a great selection of upcycled jewelry for some bling you can feel good about gifting.

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I never thought I’d actually want someone to buy me candles. But when I realized all of the candles in the house were loaded with synthetic fragrance (even some of the soy and beeswax ones), we became a home that would be screwed in a power outage. This Pure Beeswax Aromatherapy Candle Sampler promises no fragrance or synthetics.

I couldn’t well create a gift guide for new moms without including my own book! Please consider buying Spit That Out!: The Overly Informed Parent’s Guide to Raising Children in the Age of Environmental Guilt for the new mom in your life. Message me directly and I am more than happy to send out a personalized copy!

And don’t forget to wrap it all with beautiful, reusable VZWraps, a bonus gift in itself since mom can reuse it for her own gift-giving!

And remember that some of the best gifts are not more “stuff.” When my new baby arrives there is nothing I would love more than free time for myself, which can come in the form of babysitting offers, meal delivery, spa gift certificates, or even housecleaning services. Even a Starbucks gift card would rock my world.

For more eco-friendly Mother’s Day gift ideas, visit the Healthy Home Eco Mother’s Day Guide and Green Gifts Guide.

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