Please take a moment to help an organization doing wonderful work for the local economy, women in transition, and even the environment. Remember – Career Wardrobe recycles hundreds of tons of clothing and accessories each year!
Career Wardrobe is one of 74 groups nationwide competing for $250,000 and recognition on The Huffington Post through the JobRaising Challenge. The competition runs from January 21 through March 1, and winners will be determined by how much money and awareness we can raise in that amount of time.
You can help on three simple ways:
Share Their Story: Keep an eye out and share our posts throughout the contest. Career Wardrobe will also be posting twice weekly on its contest blog with links promoted on Facebook and Twitter feeds.
Share Your Story: Do you have a picture of your first suit? Remember your first interview? Your first day of work?
Tweet with the hashtag #StoryofaSuit or send it to and we’ll make sure your story gets told.
Become a Fundraiser: Tell your friends why you support our work and let them know how important it is to our community. Make a gift on the donation page and join our fundraising team, which allows you to send messages directly to your network on our behalf.
If Career Wardrobe wins the organization pledges to replicate its successful model of social enterprise and change by expanding its service delivery into a new community.