Last week I had the privilege of attending a launch party for The HONEST Company, an eco-friendly line of family essentials offered through a monthly subscription service at Created for parents by parents, The Honest Company founders say they are committed to making safe, sustainable products more convenient, beautiful, and affordable.
Former Healthy Child Healthy World executive director Christopher Gavigan and actress Jessica Alba have found a great way to bring safer, greener products to a broader audience of moms – making them convenient, affordable, and cute. It’s definitely a business model that will appeal to harried mothers who are tired of having to read labels and search to find safe, effective baby products.
I approached Gavigan about one qualm I’m sure some of the greener mothers will have about the program – where are the cloth diaper options? He assured me that expanding the product line is definitely in the works, and they are just starting with the very basics. For now, I think it will help get moms away from some of the troublesome conventional products as these are certainly better options. And it’s great to see a celebrity using her power of persuasion for a cause close to her heart and not just hawking perfume.
This is something the green and healthy movement needs to get beyond a niche audience – everyone should have access to safe, non-toxic products. It shouldn’t be a niche or a luxury. And with a monthly supply of non-toxic diapers priced at less than $20 a week, that’s not too bad. But cloth are still way cheaper! 😉
My only other issue is the current business model which only allows for monthly subscriptions. I would love to be able to order products as I needed them and especially would love to purchase a starter set for some of my pregnant friends!
Check it out and let me know what you think!