Bothered By My Green Conscience: A Review (and Plea) for Franke James

I was so excited to receive a copy of Franke James’ Bothered by My Green Conscience: How an SUV-driving, imported-strawberry-eating urban dweller can go green. I connected with this like-minded green-worrying mama through Twitter, and I knew her book would be right up my alley!

Franke made news headlines for her environmental actions by successfully winning permission from Toronto City Hall for the right to turn her driveway into a green landscape. (Hmmm, sounds familiar…).

Using her artistic signature to mix illustration, photos, and hand-drawn text, Franke explores global warming through short, funny personal essays. She says goodbye to her SUV, revamps her wardrobe, and ponders the real possibilities for social change.

It happens to be a pertinent time for me to have been introduced to Franke’s work, as I’ve learned that the Canadian government is currently trying to shut down her art exhibition because she speaks out about the government’s role (or lack thereof) for climate change.

She uses art to advocate for pollution taxes and tougher environmental policies – work that barely be described as controversial, let alone offensive! Who knew the Canadian government would be rallying against free speech?

Find ways to support Franke here – and, of course, buy a copy of her book!

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